What caused this ? My Harddrive started dying and in light of this I had to reinstall Windows onto my SSD that already had Prepar3d however as I was doing a fresh install of windows onto this SSD (as it was previously installed on my Harddrive) I had to format the SSD and with it went Prepar3d v4.5.
I am only posting this here in the hopes that a member from the Lockheed Martin Prepar3d team will see this and hopefully it will be easier for them to see this way - as I'm sure they receive a large quantity of emails - and in the hope that this would make the process slightly faster as I'm desperate. I've emailed the email address designated for such issues and am currently awaiting a reply, I understand that these are trying times for everyone. I recently sent in am email as I tried activating my copy of Prepar3d v4.5 and was give an error stating that all of my activations had been used up.